"И вот теперь я становлюсь двойственным: с одной стороны я очень быстро выхожу из себя и гневаюсь, с другой стороны я очень беспокоюсь и защищаю дочь, от этого я немного сентиментален"
Mama Nature Said
Vagabonds of the Western World
Альбом 1973 года
Альбом 1973 года
Mama Nature said
It's murder what you've done
I sent you forth my brightest world
Now it's nearly gone
Birds and bees
Been telling me
You can't see
The forest for the trees
You cover up your lies
With sympathies
And I got no solutions
To your persecution
Mama Nature said
I can't believe it's true
I gave you life and food for thought
Look what did you do
You're killing my rivers
Drowning my baby streams
Day by day by day by day
I hear them scream
I'm so disillusioned
I'm so disillusioned
Mama Nature said
You're guilty of this crime
Now it's not just a matter of fact
But just a matter of time
Cruel will be the vengeance
So savage is the deed that's done
And I've got no solutions
To your own pollutions
Филл Лайнотт