"Мы все были очень близки друг другу. Филипп и я переехали и поселились вместе, очень скоро туда же поселились ещё шестеро, очень скоро ставшие нашими менеджерами, осветителями, и звукооператорами"
Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed
Альбом 1976 года
Johnny the Fox he called to Jimmy the Weed
He said Hey man, I know your name
I seen you cruising with the low riders
Hanging out down on First street and Main
Tuned into and listen to the voodoo Rhythm Devils
Around the Bay
They've got some crazy DJs
Send you right out to heaven
Jimmy the Weed for greed was taken aback
Johnny the Fox you old sly cat
Cleverly the Fox concealed his stash
Crisp dollar bills leave no tracks
In the back of a black cadillac
The voodoo music travels
Down Skid Row only black men can go
The shady deal unravels
Johnny the Fox, hot to hustle
Jimmy the Weed won't use no muscle
that cat's so sly, slick and subtle
Johnny the Fox breaks out the bottle
Tuned into and listening to
The voodoo music travels
The beating drum for the lonely one
Sends you out to heaven